- Agriculture
- Rural Lifestyle
- Manufacturing
- Audience Engagement
- Creative and Content
- Interactive Development
The Behlen Country team reached out to Paulsen to support its twofold objective of evolving its brand identity and expanding its online presence at
Embrace the future without forgetting your past
As an established leader within the farm and ranch equipment category, Behlen Country expressed a strong desire to reach a new generation of consumers embracing rural lifestyle elements. At the same time, it wanted to remain true to its Midwestern roots and double down on its reputation as a family-owned business supplying quality products made in America.
We began by developing a new logo that incorporated the B and C of Behlen Country into a design reminiscent of wire fencing used in livestock pens and enclosures. We also evolved the typeface, kerning and color palette of the Behlen Country wordmark and dropped the words Farm & Ranch Equipment for a more streamlined look and feel.
A legacy that's built to last
After workshopping different phrases to support this rebranding effort, the Behlen Country team ultimately settled on a tagline of their own — Building Your Legacy — which we then paired with the new logo for a strong, rugged new image.
Welcome to the new
As the new logo and branding elements rolled out, Behlen Country also worked with Paulsen to revamp its website. Our ultimate goal was to elevate product profiles and the overall browsing experience while ensuring brand consistency to reach rural lifestyle retailers and online consumers more effectively.