


  • Agriculture


  • Strategy and Planning
  • Audience Engagement
  • Creative and Content

Newtrient, a farmer-funded organization committed to reducing the environmental footprint of U.S. dairy, asked us to produce a series of sustainability resource videos focused on manure management.

Be sure to tighten those muck boots

Our team visited dairy operations in three distinct regions of the country to learn about different approaches to managing manure. Through interviews with dairy farmers, Newtrient field experts and independent researchers, our team gathered extensive first-person narratives on motives for installing particular systems, how each one handled waste solids and the resulting environmental (and operational) impacts.

One dirty job to do

While our production team was knee-deep in you-know-what, the real dirty work began after the fact as we sifted through hours of footage and interview content. It was important to our client to deliver a large share of the messaging through the farmers' lens, leaning on field experts and researchers to unpack some of the more technical aspects of the different manure management systems. Our goal was to develop educational videos to equip other farmers to make informed decisions for their dairy operations; in the end, we exceeded client expectations with a series of engaging, well-produced videos.

The reward for great work

The manure management video series earned a 2024 Region 3 Merit honor from the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) and laid the foundation for future projects with Newtrient.