Here. On purpose.
At Paulsen, being here means a lot. Generating ideas. Designing great campaigns. Crafting stories that resonate. Yep, we're here for all of this – and you'd better believe we have fun doing it.
But more than anything, we're here to help you connect with the folks who carry the success of our country – and the whole world, really – on their shoulders. Together, we're moving rural America.
We're even greater than the sum of our parts.
Tapping into individual strengths to collectively address challenges – that's what produces extraordinary results. Good luck finding a better group of people with whom to do this every single day.
(Partners Left to Right) Thane Paulsen, COO | Marcus Squier, CEO | Mark Smither, CSO | Jane Harms, CFO | Sara Steever, CTO
Meet our Team

Brett Somsen
Director of Paid Media

Mike Dowling
Art Director

Allyse Steffen
Director of Strategic Partnerships

Meghan Lane
Senior Graphic Designer

Evan Wibben
Front-End Web Developer

Thomas Kamnikar
Digital Project Manager

Matt Merritt
Director of Public Relations

Alicia Heun
Director of Engagement

Jake Zastrow
Creative Director

Elise Hickey
Director of First Impressions

Marcus Squier
Partner | President & CEO

Sydney Schell
Project Manager

Catherine Spader
Digital Media Ops Specialist

Thane Paulsen
Partner | COO

Sara Steever
Partner | CTO

Jane Harms
Partner | CFO

LeNear Douglas
Associate Account Specialist

Brian Paff
Content Writer

Megan Forster
Media Ops Specialist

Bryan Middleton
Audio/Visual Specialist

Sheila Rozeboom
Accounts Payable Specialist

Isaac Druin
Front-End Developer

Mark Smither
Partner | CSO

Joe Hoelker
Digital Media Ops Specialist

Karmen Groos
Media Accounts Payable Coordinator

Tessa Erdmann
Account Coordinator

Maxwell Bultena
Associate Account Specialist

Dayna Bastian
Account Specialist